Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Success!! Success!!

I'm so proud of my ds. :o) I looked up his scores and he brought that straggling nasty "F" (due to not completing and handing in some assignments) up to a "B," just since last week. Yay, Baby! Dad and I knew you could do it!! I am just so blessed to watch him tackling the hard stuff in his new situation. Just a few short months ago I was on my knees daily, wondering if he'd know what to do with the pressures of eight new classes with eight new teachers. I think his self-esteem has just sky rocketed in the last six weeks. *happy sigh*

Lord, You're an amazing Father providing for our needs and blessing us with tremendous gifts. May we never forget how wonderful You are...especially when our circumstances don't display Your love toward us the way we'd like. Amen!

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